
I.S.P is committed to changing and creating environments that are socially just and value the multiple dimensions of individuals, communities, and organizations. From conception through implementation, we work closely with our clients helping match research, policy, and solutions to desired outcomes. We help institutions, communities, and non-profits reach their aspirations through practical, sustainable strategies.

Clients from both the private and public sectors use the firm’s research, analytical, communications, and advisory capacities to develop and implement policies and strategic plans; improve internal management; identify stakeholder priorities; address conflict between system and community interests; and identify political, regulatory, and economic factors influencing public and private sector decision-making.

What We Offer

I.S.P. specializes in public policy, strategic planning, system and community assessments, building alliances, meeting facilitation, project management, organizational development and sustainability, community engagement, and designing and delivering training and technical assistance. Consultants have provided direct services, public policy analysis, research, and system and individual advocacy in the social justice fields.

We have expertise in issues that impact human rights and the health and welfare of communities. These issues include child abuse and neglect, domestic violence and sexual assault, poverty, corrections reform and reentry, stalking, diversity/racism, juvenile justice, human trafficking, child custody and visitation, health and well-being, youth engagement, equality, and education.


Our Team

Founded by Lauren Litton, I.S.P. Consulting builds upon her experience working on national, state and local levels with governmental entities, community-based organizations, corporations, not-for-profit agencies, universities, court and child protection systems, and community collaboratives to create change. I.S.P. is comprised of a dedicated team of professionals that bring their real world knowledge to assist clients in achieving their visions for their organizations and communities.

For every project, we customize our services to match the goals of our clients.

Client Testimonials

We value the testimonials we receive from our clients. We have compiled a selection attesting to the quality of our services and the impact our partnership has had on their business.



I.S.P. has worked with federal, state and local governments, civil and criminal justice systems, social service and community-based organizations, national organizations, schools and universities, community groups and formal collaborations to examine their policies, philosophies, and responses to human rights issues.  ©  2017   |  Privacy Policy   |   Terms Of Use